Payment Method Guide
This section allows you to securely manage your payment preferences.
Follow the instructions below to set up and manage your payment methods easily:
Follow the instructions below to set up and manage your payment methods easily:
Graphic 1:
Credit / Debit Card Details Use this option to add or update your card information for payments.
- Card Type: Select your card type (e.g., Visa, Mastercard, etc.).
- Card Holder Name: Enter the name as it appears on your card.
- Card Number: Provide the 16-digit number on the front of your card.
- CVV: Enter the 3-digit code at the back of your card (4 digits for AMEX).
- Expiry MM/YY: Specify the expiration date in MM/YY format.
- Billing Zip Code / Postal Code: Enter the zip/postal code linked to your billing address.
- Notes: Add any comments or details for your reference (optional).
Add New Bank Account Details
Graphic 2:
Add New Bank Account Details You can save your bank account information for direct payments.
- Name: Provide the account holder's full name.
- Bank Name: Enter the name of the bank where your account is held.
- Account Number: Enter your unique bank account number.
- Routing Number: Provide the bank’s routing number for processing.
- Billing Zip / Postal Code: Enter the zip/postal code associated with your account.
- Notes: Add any additional notes about the account (optional).