Create Referral
A referral is a formal recommendation for a patient to consult with another healthcare provider or
specialist for additional evaluation, treatment, or services.
specialist for additional evaluation, treatment, or services.
To create a referral, provide the following details:
1. Patient Information
1. Patient Information
- Name: Enter the patient's full name (e.g., Ali Basit).
- Marital Status: Specify if the patient is single, married, etc.
- Full Address: Provide the patient's residential address.
- Phone: Enter the patient's contact number.
- Email: Add the patient's email address.
- Gender: Note the patient’s gender, age, and date of birth (e.g., Male | 24 y/o | 05/01/2000).
- Allergies: List any known allergies (e.g., Dust, Peanuts).
- Employment Status: Indicate whether the patient is employed, unemployed, etc.
2. Referral From
- Name: Enter the name of the referring provider (e.g., Clinic Owner).
- Specialty: Note their area of expertise (e.g., Child Care, Adult Care).
- Work Phone: Provide their contact number.
- Fax: Add the fax number if available.
- Email: Include their email address
3. Referring To
- Provider's Name: Specify the name of the provider to whom the patient is being referred.
- Search for Provider: Use the search function to locate the provider in the system.
- Start Date: Enter the date the referral starts.
- Expiry Date: Specify when the referral expires.
- Authorization Code: Provide the code if required.
4. Patient's Insurance Information
- Insurance Type: Select the type of insurance (e.g., Private, Medicaid).
- Type, Company, Plan, Group, Policy: Provide detailed insurance information or mark as N/A if not applicable.
5. Referral Notes
- Instructions: Add any specific instructions related to the referral (up to 500 characters).
- Reason for Referral: Briefly state the reason for the referral (up to 300 characters).
- Search From Patient Diagnosis Codes: Search and select relevant diagnosis codes for the referral.
- Clinical Notes: Add detailed clinical notes to support the referral (up to 5000 characters).
- Internal Notes: Include any internal information not visible to the patient (optional).